Monday, September 16, 2013

Following Through (Part 1)

Over the weekend and even earlier today, I was really hard on myself for not following through on things I needed to accomplish. For the life of me I could not I understand that if the things I desire take work, why is it so hard to do!  I was starting to believe that I guess I really didn't desire the things that I thought I did.  However after saying a prayer and asking for understanding, I begin reading (and watching YouTube videos) about accomplishing goals and following through. This is when I came across this nice little quote:

“Motivation is in the mind; follow-through is in the practice.”

The article where I found the quote suggests that in order to “follow through” on the things that I desire, I need to stop thinking and just do.  Now I don’t know about all that but I will try my damn best to give it a shot. Therefore in order to just do and not think, one has to be very specific in the things they want to accomplish.

MOTIVATION: Get up at 5:00/5:30am       
FOLLOW THROUGH: No internet past 9pm and sleep no later than 10:30pm.

MOTIVATION: Post once a week on both blogs.
FOLLOW THROUGH: Write everyday for 30 minutes.

FOLLOW THROUGH: Train with my C25K app 3 times a week.

MOTIVATION: Read 4 books per month.
FOLLOW THROUGH: Read at least 30 minutes a night.

Now I cannot speak on tomorrow, but today I did excellent job following through on EVERYTHING that I sat out to accomplish (work, school, working out and writing).  Lets see what tomorrow bring!

See ya next week!

Monday, September 9, 2013

It's My Birthday!!!

Today is my 31st birthday! 

What a difference a year can make!! What’s the difference you may ask???? Well…..

I have clarity.

Throughout my 20s I was not living, but instead I was trying to create a life that would please (and impress) other people.  As I have stated many times on this blog, I have an “A type” personality who has to live by a to do list.  However my “to do” list consisted of unrealistic expectations of a person I truly wasn’t.

This past year I have focused on me, who I was and what I wanted out of life.  I eliminated my goals and instead I am now focusing on my passions.  I am learning to no longer beat myself up over the failure of one career path and instead enjoy the journey of the new one that I am now pursuing.  Most importantly I am now re-examining the relationships with family and friends and slowly trying to introduce them to real Neka as I get to know her as well. 

I am at a point in my life where I have the knowledge to know that EVERYTHING in my life has been working together to lead me exactly where I am at today and exactly where I need to be today.  Since coming to that realization, I am now focusing on my “purpose” in life.

Once I turned 30 I refused to take any of that stuff with me in my 30s and so far I have been doing a good job getting rid of it.

On this new found journey I am on, I have found that I have no idea what to expect and truthfully I am scared shitless…. LOL…

Nevertheless I am learning that things don’t happen overnight and instead of focusing on the end result, enjoy the ride getting there.  Therefore that is what I am doing (or shall I say learning to do), enjoying the ride!!!!

Have a great week everyone!