Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Allow me to introduce myself!!

When you are a child, turning 30 seems like a lifetime away.  At 30 you picture yourself with a great job, great spouse and finally settled enough to think about children.  Even in your early 20s you say to yourself, "By the time I am 30, I will have my life all figured out, right now I am still young, having fun and can make a couple of  mistakes.

I am here to announce that 30 is NOT a lifetime away.  In fact for me it's just 8 months and 8 days away to be exact!  This damn number really sneaks upon a person.  It feels like yesterday that I was 10, 15, 18, 21, 25 and hell 28 thinking about how my life would be at 30.  NONE of the stuff I envision for my life has come to pass.  I don't feel and I for sure do not look like a 30 year old.  I still love my graphic tees, hood music blaring out my stereo in my car, eating cereal for dinner and damnit when I look in the mirror I do not see a 30 year old!

However the signs are there.  While the hood music is blarring in my stereo, I actually pay attention to the words now instead of just the beat and wonder, "What the hell am I listening too?"  When I am out with friends, we say to ourselves, "We are going to pay for this in the morning!"  The most clear sign...."Back in my day...." or "When I was your age..." comes out of my mouth more times than I like it to.

Nevertheless, in eight months I will be 30 and in a lot of ways I feel like I have not lived life yet.  I know 30 is not a death sentence, but I have not even scratched the surface of what I want with my life.  During my adolescent and young adult years, I never once imagined myself to be without a career, broke with tons of debt and lastly unfit!

This is where this blog comes into play, I am going to use these next eight months to get to the place I want to be or at least at a good starting place.

So join me as I:
  • Become spiritually stronger;
  • Find a job in line to the career I want to be in;
  • Get out of my financial hole; and
  • Get to the weight that I can feel good about myself.
There we have it!  If I can get these things together by September (not complete.... let's be realistic about this people!  LOL), I probably will feel a little better about turning 30.

Join me because I am losing it! Weight and Debt that is!!!


  1. Girl, I totally understand. I thought 30 was a lifetime away, then BAM. I was only months away from this milestone age. I wrote a similar blog post right before I turned 30 yrs old:

    Looking forward to your posts on this new blog.

  2. Thanks for stopping by! I read your post and loved it!!
